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Case: Sentey Optimus Gs6000

MB: Asus P8P67 M-Pro
CPU: Intel Core i7 2700k 3.5ghz
MEM: corsair vengeance black 4GB DDR3 (1600Mhz) (Proxima compra 8GB mas)
HDD: Samsung 500gb, Samsung 160gb, Samsung 120gb.
VGA: EVGA Geforce Nvidia 550ti Superclocked 1GB GDDR5
PSU: Agiler 700watts
Monitor: Lg Samsung 22plg (1920X1080)

Televisor: Soneview 32plg (1366x768)
Keyboard: Microsoft curve 3000 (Proximo cambio)
Mouse: razer deathadder 3500dpi
Headset: Genius Gx Cavimanus 7.1

Sonido: Genius 5.1 150watts RMS
Mouse Pad: Logitech Call Of Duty MW3
Refrigeracion: Corsair Hydro H60

Controles: 2 Microsoft xbox360

Tarjeta de red inalambrica: Tp link 300Mbps Tl-WN951

OS: Widows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)

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esa fuente es generica??? esta bien bueno tu pc felicidades.

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