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Nuevos Geforce Forceware 275.27 Beta



Ya está rondando esta beta de los nuevos drivers de Nvidia, aqui las caracteristicas de lo nuevo que trae

his is the first release from the Release 275 family of drivers (versions 275.xx to 279.xx).

This driver package supports GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500-series desktop GPUs as well as ION desktop GPUs. This driver package also includes the 3D Vision Controller driver.

New in Release 275.24

GPU Support

Adds support for the newly released GeForce GTX 560 GPU.


Increases performance for GeForce 400 Series and 500 Series GPUs in several PC games vs. v270.61 WHQL drivers. The following are some examples of improvements measured on Windows 7. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration:

GeForce GTX 580:

Up to 4% in Crysis 2

Up to 5% in Civilization V with SLI

Up to 9% in Portal 2

Up to 13% in Bulletstorm with Antialiasing enabled

Up to 15% in Batman: Arkham Asylum with PhysX High

GeForce GTX 560:

Up to 6% in Crysis 2

Up to 8% in Portal 2

Up to 14% in Batman: Arkham Asylum with PhysX High

Up to 15% in Bulletstorm with Antialiasing enabled

Increases gaming performance by up to 12% for dual-core CPUs in CPU-limited cases.


In Release 275, NVIDIA Update adds automatic SLI, multi-GPU, and antialiasing (AA) profile updates. These profile updates are automatically downloaded from NVIDIA and silently installed on your PC, keeping it up-to-the-minute with the latest game profiles. When you install a Release 270 or later GeForce driver from la.nvidia.com, you will be presented with the option to install NVIDIA Update. Click here to learn more about NVIDIA Update.

Desktop Scaling

New NVIDIA Control Panel user interface for configuring desktop scaling, including new preview window.

Now consistently available for all displays (including VGA and HDMI connections).

New scaling override option for Windows 7 gaming.

Improved desktop resizing user interface that guides the user to disable overscanning using their HDTV controls and also provides a fallback option to enable desktop resizing via the NVIDIA Control panel.

NVIDIA desktop resizing now creates a custom, resized resolution with 1:1 pixel mapping and resizes standard resolutions for games that don’t support custom resolutions.

NVIDIA 3D Vision

With Release 275 drivers, the 3D Vision Controller driver is now included with all GPU driver installations. This driver package includes v275.22 3D Vision Controller driver. Users are no longer required to install a separate 3D Vision Controller driver or CD driver. For more information, please view this knowledgebase article for more information.

3D Vision Window Mode support. Please view this knowledgebase article for more information.

Added support for 3D Vision Photo viewer to now work in Window Mode. When you have opened a 3D picture file check the “View” section for this new option.

Improved 3D Vision IR emitter and 3D Vision glasses synchronization

Adds support for new 3D Vision projectors: NEC NP-V300X series

Added the following 3D Vision game profiles:

Age of Empires Online

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Battlefield Play4Free

Duke Nukem Forever

Dungeon Siege III

Super Street Fighter IV

World of Tanks

Update the following 3D Vision game profiles

Portal 2 – fixed water reflection problem and updated convergence setting to provide a better user experience

The Witcher 2 – Improved 3D Vision compatibility for all in-game effects

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Eso es lo malo, por lo general le dan a las VGAs nuevas nomas.

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