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Duda con lectura de CPU clock



Hola amigos, tanto tiempo.


yo he andado bien metido en el NFS world, y un corredor tiene esta mala lectura y dice que le afecta el juego...


alguno de ustedes almas generosas que me perdonarán por estar ingratamente tanto tiempo alejado? puede comentar que podría producir esto y opinar si tiene arreglo? muchas gracias!


saludos, Hernán



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Hola Cayman! tantos años... :zippyte


No veo el problema... Lo que marca Windows es cualquier tontera que no hay que tomar en cuenta, lo que marca CPU-Z es lo que manda y está bien, ya que esa es al velocidad del Q6600.


No sé que tarjeta de video tenga, pero si es algo mas o menos actual, la frecuencia y tecnología del CPU le está haciendo cuello de botella. Sería ideal que lo overclockeara un poco y lo dejara en los 3.0 Ghz que para ese proce es facil, sólo hay que mover el FSB a 333 y cambiar el divisor de las memorias para que queden a la frecuencia que corresponde.



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No esta mal la lectura, esa es la velocidad del proce cuando no esta en modo turbo

Enviado desde mi GT-I9300 mediante Tapatalk

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gracias por los comentarios a ambos. Yo entiendo que ese CPU no tiene modo turbo.


es un dell XPS 420 de hace 9 años...corriendo NFS world que es el motor grafico del most wanted-carbono. Ese motor corre hasta en una FX5200...de verdad puede el CPU lagear al juego?


este es el post original:


One or two admins may remember me mentioning the countdown interval being slower than usual in some videos, particularly noticeable by the sound of the countdown, as well as the engine sound of the car, sounding as if you could hear individual cylinders (A bit like an old tractor, but not quite as slow).

It can under circumstances be a bug, but definitely not of the game.

So what can cause this odd behaviour ?
Attachment 14141 if you can't see the attachment, then http://abload.de/img/windowstimingbugaffec9fckw.jpg

What you see here, is Windows assuming that my CPU is running at 3.08GHz. I discovered this in August. How to reproduce this ? I am not sure. The point is: Also seen in CPU-Z, my CPU is running normally at roughly 2.4GHz.

What happens when Windows assumes the CPU should be running at 3GHz, but in reality, it's a lot slower ? Timing messes up. By the way... almost every timing relevant process uses the Windows software clock. Yes, as soon as Windows boots, it reads your BIOS clock, and takes over timing per software.

The first time I had this issue, is about 2 years ago, and I noticed it in Second Life, a virtual world in which you have your character of sorts, etc. etc. and the strange thing was: all the animations were going slow motion. I looked at my ping, which read 100ms (To Texas, and therefore impossible from Germany). My System is a Dell XPS 420 (9 years old, but it works fine), and if anybody knows Dell, then one of the major features is, the lacking ability to overclock your system due to a very simplified BIOS (it doesn't have any options to unlock). So, no idea what tricked Windows into using a much higher clockrate as calculation base, but it happened. Of course in August, I noticed right away that something was going weird. In this particular case, I couldn't even get a perfect start, because everything was way out of sync. Extremely slow countdown, engine sound etc. but a lap time that is absolutely impossible. No worries, I never ended the race. In my case, Windows somehow decided that the calculation base should be 600MHz higher than usual, and that's a really extreme value.

In some driver's videos however, you will notice a countdown and engine sounding slower than normal, and they have either intentionally done something to their systems, because this effect is often seen, or they know how to reproduce a bug of some kind, I don't know. Whatever it is though, it's something that should be watched out for.


quizas mejor mover el thread a juegos. Gracias, saludos!

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No esta mal la lectura, esa es la velocidad del proce cuando no esta en modo turbo

Enviado desde mi GT-I9300 mediante Tapatalk

Este proce no tiene modo turbo, ya que en esta generación no existía esa tecnología

Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk

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